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Telephone with Confidence

The phone is the indispensable communication tool of our fast-paced world, and people with hearing loss need support so that they don’t fall behind when using this effective tool. We've designed an exciting program to erase intimidation and create confidence in your phone communication skills. As you master our innovative lessons, using your phone will quickly go from a necessary evil to an essential enjoyment.

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Multiple images of adults using Cochlear implants

Program Description

At Cochlear, we know how important the telephone is to stay connected to friends and family. To help you get started with telephone communications, and for ongoing practice, we have developed a simple training tool to help you gain confidence in your phone communication abilities. For your convenience this program consists of recordings that can be accessed on a daily basis. Activities can be completed in three ways:

  1. Without visual cues or information.
  2. With a printed copy of the text used while listening to the recording.
  3. As reference material when a specific portion of the message cannot be understood.

Where to get started:

We are glad to help you sharpen your telephone communication skills. To begin, please complete a brief questionnaire to determine which skills you need to improve most. Your answers will guide your use of the Telephone with Confidence program and future practice materials.